Thursday, March 31, 2005

We are in Nice

Sorry, still no photos! Lots to upload but cant seem to connect properly. Nerds.

France is so pretty, we are keen to go back to Paris and see more, but are trucking around with Paula's family for the next week, so will work our way back slowly.

In the last week we have seen so much, and even had time to eat snails. Not that great I'm afraid, thank god for the garlic paste they are coated in. Kind of like garlic chewing gum, I think Paula might have put it.

Driving on the right has been okay, just gotta remember first thing in the morning when I pull out onto the road - Paula has been reminding me and just as well.

Finally worked out how to switch the keyboard over to english, now if I can just prize each key off and force it back onto the correct spot this will all be fine....

Thanks for all your emails for Paula's birthday, we'll get off our butts and respond when we can get a terminal for long enough - think I might go and open an internet cafe!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Paula and Sam - Pam and Helen here playing with the intranet - we have discovered how to get into the blog so here we are on school hols for about 2 hours and we are doing jobs by avoiding them and emailing you. We have had a big week with Kaths farewell - she had a fun time with heaps of flowers - could open a florist shop
have had a good term
hope you had a happy birthday - we had a morning tea for you - it was yummy!! Will email you photos over the hols