Friday, December 26, 2008

Kelby the Wonderdog keeping an eye on proceedings

Two "watering candles"


Gardening Fairy

Looking after the veggie garden in the gardening gear Santa bought

Helping Mummy unwrap her pressie

Funny glasses

Funny glasses

Yay, christmas crackers

Christmas dinner @ Woolleyville

Ohhhh, music box

Helping Mummy unwrap her presents

Poppy's Good Helper

Having a ball on the lawn in Warrnambool

Enjoy Mieksie, you don't get lawn like that in Ballarat!

Waiting for Mabar and Poppy

At the Eureka Stockade on Christmas Eve

At the Eureka Stockade

Catching up with the girls for Christmas.

Mum & Bubs group
from left: Ella, Mieke, Milla and Sienna

Friday, December 12, 2008

Two weeks on

Sometimes it feels as if the last two weeks has flown by at other times it feels like it has gone on forever.

At the moment, I can't believe how much has happened in the last two weeks. This time a fortnight ago, I was a wreck. But here I am 2 weeks on, physically feeling pretty well and emotionally on the mend. Although this huge waves of sadness wash over me at the most unexpected times.

We had to go back to the Obstetrician for a check up this afternoon. That all went pretty well, he was actually more concerned about our emotional state than my physical one. He was equally concerned for Sam as for me, that was nice. Often the poor hubbies get forgotten about during these times.

The obstetricans advice for the next pregnancy was to start taking super high doses of folate. Folate reduces the risk of neural tube defects in babies. It is a 5mg dose 10 times higher than what most women take, although I was already taking this dosage. So as the Dr pointed out, sometimes its just bad luck!. Once we are pregnant, the Obstetrician will do a very early ultrasound to determine the exact due date. From there, we will then need to go to Melbourne for a specialist ultrasound at 11 weeks. The earlier they can diagnose Anencephaly, the better for everyone. The chances of us having a baby with Anencehpahly was 1 in 400, now it is 1 in 300.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Thanks to everyone for your support, it has been greatly appreciated.


A Mieke Update

Mieks is 19 months old already, can you believe it????

She is a real character; stubborn, independent and she knows exactly what she wants. The other morning I was making her breakfast, vegemite on toast and she was yelling at me from her high chair "No Vegemite, Jam". She was not very happy when she got vegemite!!! She has a bit of a temper, no idea where that comes from!

She still loves reading, most nights we read 6 or 7 books before bed, but she still yells and screams on her way to bed "No Mummy/Daddy, Book, Book". We are both so pleased that she loves reading. Her language is really developing and she is now finishing off lines in her favourite books.

In November Mieks had a hip check up with the Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon and he gave her the all clear. He was really pleased with how quickly and how well her hips had formed. We now don't have to go back until she is 5 years old. That was quite a relief.

We are all looking forward to Christmas and everytime Mieks sees a Santa she gets pretty excited. We must do something about a Christmas tree this weekend.
