Saturday, June 19, 2010

Warning...very long blog post.....

I know I say it at the start of every blog entry, but my gosh, time just flies by. Jarvis is already 4 months old (18 weeks or 127 days....). I really can't get my head around the fact that he is really not a little baby anymore.

Yesterday we had a check up with the Maternal Health Nurse and the 4 month injections. They are never fun, but he actually coped really well. There were a few tears at the start, but he got over it pretty quickly. Thank goodness! In the words of the Maternal Health Nurse, Jarvis is a "healthy thriving placid little boy". I think healthy might be an understatement though. At 4 months, Jarvis weighs 7.52kg (16lbs 10oz), the same weight Mieke was at 7 months 2 weeks of age. He is 64 cm long, 4 centimetres less than Mieks was at 7 months 2 weeks. So he is certainly a bigger bub. He is gaining, on average, 168 grams per week, which is well within healthy guidelines! Hopefully Jarvis will be tall like Poppy Frank!

Unfortunately, the wee man has stopped sleeping through the night. For about the last 3 or 4 weeks he has been waking somewhere between 3 and 5 for a feed. I was loving the fact that he was sleeping through and this has come as a very rude shock. Although Jarvis goes straight back to sleep, I don't. I can take up to an hour and half to get back to sleep which can be tough when Mieks is up at about 6.45. I am trying to convince myself at the moment that putting Farax in his bottle at night is not a bad thing.......

We had our first trip to emergency with Jarvis on Saturday 5 June. He decided he would try nose diving off the change table and landing on the floor. It was very stressful for us all. He screamed for about 20 minutes before we dragged Mieks out of bed and raced up to the hospital (so glad it was only 3 blocks away). He was so upset and sore when we first got there that they had to cut his clothes off. They gave him a huge dose of Panadol and waited for him to settle. We had a great doctor who checked him out thoroughly and told us he was fine. We were told to keep a close eye on him and come back to the hospital if we were worried about anything. I was petrified that I wouldn't hear him through the night, so we moved his cot mattress into our room. Needless to say, I still didn't sleep. He woke 2 hourly through the night and was quite distressed each time he woke, but wouldn't feed. When he woke again at 6am and we had troubled settling him, I rang the doctor we had seen the night before. When I told him that Jarvis had been refusing his feeds since the accident and had not taken a feed in almost 12 hours he told me to bring him in for x-rays. Of course, kids being kids, as soon as I got him back up to the hospital he perked up. Smiling and giggling at the nurses and doctors, being generally cheeky. Once the doctor started poking him though, that was a very different story. He cried lots and I cried lots and they gave him another dose of Panadol and he passed out. Anyway, a heap of x-rays later, I was told there were no broken bones and that we were fine to go home. By the time we got home Jarvis was back to his old self. Smiling, talking, giggling and hungry!

After getting home from the hospital at about 10.30, Sam & I had to be at the Lake House in Daylesford for lunch by 12pm.. We had booked tickets a couple of months earlier and because Jarvis was okay we decided to go. After all, how often do you get to have lunch with the 3 diva's, Maggie Beer, Stephanie Alexander and Alla Wolf-Tasker? Maybe I better do a separate post for the lunch.......

What other news.......(Warned you it would be a long post (perhaps i should have said long, boring post)

Mieks is great and loving her role as a big sister, although sometimes she is a little bit too affectionate literally squashing the air out of her baby brother.

My theory is that the terrible twos are way over rated and it should be the terrible threes. I"m still not really sure where she gets her fiery temper from - surely it must be her Dad! Anyway, Mieks is an expert at dirty looks, slamming doors, shoving her fingers in her ears and just generally being a terror! Love her to bits though, gotta love a woman with a bit of spunk!

And in other life....

I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to start my own business. Family friends were selling a brand they had designed and developed over the last 10 years. Little Sunshine's is a range of bath and skin care for the under-fives. We have used it since Mieks was born, so were more than keen to snatch up the brand when we heard it was for sale.

Little Kids and Big Kid awake, so better go.
