Wednesday, June 03, 2009

An update

It seems like such a long time since I have done a proper update - I thought I better get to it.

Life for us is great. We finally shifted into our little house on the weekend and I am busy trying to sort out the house. Mieks is "helping" me unpack all the boxes and then proceeds to drive them around the lounge room with her teddies as her passengers. It is quite funny to watch. She is into have deep and meaningful conversations with her teddies, I love sitting back and just listening to what she says. Today she was telling Poe, the telly tubby, that Mieke was the big sister and Poe was the little tiny baby sister. So then Poe had to have a bib and a blanket and a bottle and then Mieks laid her down on the bean bag and sang her to sleep. She is just too cute sometimes.

Mieks loves singing and reading and has the most amazing memory. She knows all the words to
the St. Kilda theme song, some golden oldies like Two Little Girls in Blue, The Darktown Strutters Ball, The Red Red Robin, The Teddy Bear's Picnic - the list goes on (and on and on). She loves all her nursery rhymes too and again knows them all by heart - including 5 verses of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I discovered an old tape recorder a while ago and fished out some old cassettes from my childhood and Mieks loves them. She listens to them when she is in bed and sings away to them. Hopefully she continues to love music!

Not sure if it is the terrible twos or just a strong willed little girl, but my goodness Mieke can have a foul temper (not sure where she gets that from). Her favourite comment at the moment is "NO, I run away from you!" It drives me nuts, but I refuse to get into an argument with a 2 year old, I think somehow she would win!

Sam is really well and enjoying his new job a lot. I think he finds all the constant checking in with Germany a bit frustrating. He was on conference calls till about 9.30 last night.

I am well. Loving being home with Mieks and have no intentions of going back to work in the near future.
