Saturday, July 26, 2008

Still no walking, but Mieks is happily pulling herself up on all the furniture. She absolutely loves being on her trike. I think it gives her some freedom. She cruises around the house looking out the windows, checking up on the dog and the magpies and waiting for Daddy to come home for lunch.

We went to Mainly Music yesterday and Mieks had such a great time. She held onto my hands for most of the session and danced. So I wasn't surprised when she had a huge afternoon sleep yesterday.

Lots of new words
  • jacket
  • breakfast
  • hungry
  • delicious
  • i love you
  • dinner
  • lunch

We are off to Albury next weekend. Really looking forward to getting away and catching up with some old friends.


Can you tell I fed myself this morning?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I know I've started the last couple of posts with "I can't believe.....", but I really can't believe Mieke is 14 months old.

She continues to amaze us everyday. Last night she pulled herself up using the couch. She stood for a while resting against the couch and was very proud of herself. Mieks still loves the trike that she got for her birthday and spends countless hours on it every week. She loves taking her teddies for a ride and quite often has something in each hand while scooting along. She has had quite a few big spills, but not too many war wounds.

Mieke is learning new words all the time. Some of the new ones are

  • yoghurt

  • gorgeous

  • beautiful

  • playschool

  • Kris

  • Toni

  • Mark

  • Linc

  • watermelon

  • banana

  • toast

Sam is super busy at work, so we haven't seen much of him for the last couple of weeks. But things are starting to slow down now.