Wednesday, June 20, 2007

An update...

Mieke is having a snooze, so it seems like a great time to update the blog.

It has been a really busy couple of weeks. We have had a couple of trips to Ballarat to visit the besotted Grandies and lots of visitors over the long weekend.

Dean and Andrea and their gorgeous twins Charli and Cooper came to visit last week. It was great to catch up with them, although we spent most of the time talking about babies. Not sure what there was to talk about before hand!?! It was the first time Mieke had been with other babies and it was great to watch them interacting. They happily babbled away to each other.

We are all really well and Mieke is growing quickly she weighed in at 9lbs 2oz (4.090kgs) this morning. The Maternal health nurse was pleased with her progress.

Mieks is sleeping really well, last night she slept from 11pm until 8am. Hope it continues. Although I am still waking and getting up, just to make sure she is still breathing!

Tomorrow we are off to First Time Parents group. I am really looking forward to it, as I tend to feel a bit isolated during the week. It will be nice to get out and talk to some other people.

Thanks for the emails, I love to hear what everyone else is doing.


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