Monday, February 28, 2005

Wow what a beautiful start to the day

Woke up this morning to a thick covering of white fluffy snow. I was like a little kid, of course, scooped up huge handfuls and piffed it at Sammy. He didn't think it was nearly as funny as I did.
This is in the carpark of the hotel.

This is our little car parked in the parking lot at the hotel.

This just looked pretty so I asked Sammy to take a photo.

We are having a few issues getting motorhome insurance at the moment, with people backing away from us as soon as we say we are Aussies. Not sure what our next step from here will be. May have to sweet talk the caryard into hosting an address for us. Good Aussie wine is quite cheap over here. Maybe a few bottles will persuade him. Fingers crossed.

The sun is out today and despite the fact that there is snow everywhere, the weather is really quite nice. The sun is warm if you get into the right spot and I only have 1 jumper on with my thermals instead of the usual 2.

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