Friday, January 21, 2005

My last work day

Well, thats it. My last day at work, and I'm being told just now to get stuffed for smiling so much (in jest). Nice one Thorpey! Lots more well wishes and interest in all things technical, and a farewell speech that included audience participation. It felt a bit like one of those wedding scenes in a movie where the preacher says "should anyone know a good reason why...". No objections to me going tho!

As well as a nice bottle of aussie red wine to take away, I received a set of fluffy dice to hang from the mirror of our motorhome, which was funny. I think I'll post a photo of them tomorrow.

I'm off to try and find a book about fishing in Europe at Amazon. Seem to be buying more and more books this way on the internet.

- Sam.

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