- according to the health nurse "a healthy thriving baby boy" - at 5.8kg (Miek was about 6 months old before she weighed that much) he definitely is thriving.
- like his big sister, Jarvis has developmental hip displaysia (DDH). He had an ultra sound in Melbourne on 1 April and we had to go back to Melbourne on 7 April to see the Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon - Mr Gary Nattrass. Mr Nattrass explained that although Jarvis has shallow hip sockets, his hips were not dislocated like Mieke's. At this stage Jarvis is in a DB brace. This holds his hips in place and femoral head to be kept in the correct position whilst the hip socket forms around it. (hope that makes sense) We have to go back to the specialist in 6 weeks to see how his hips are forming.
- Jarvis loves having a bath and spends about half an hour splashing around in there at the end of the day. We are lucky that he is able to come out of the brace for his daily bath.
- Jarvis is a great sleeper and is sleeping through most nights. He typically goes to bed at 10pm and sleeps through until about 7.30 (although this morning it was 5.30).
- Jarvis had a follow up appointment with the audiologist today. He had failed his newborn hearing test in hospital, which is quite common, and had to have follow up testing. He passed with flying colours today which was a relief.
- On Monday Jarvis had his first immunisation. I'm not sure who cried more Jarvis or Mieksie. She hates seeing other kids hurting and gets really upset when they cry. He handled the injections pretty well, but has been terribly unsettled for the rest of the week. He hasn't slept for more than 15 minutes at a time since 11am this morning and he can't have had more than about 2 hours sleep all day. He falls asleep and sleeps soundly for about 10 or 15 minutes and then is awake crying or grizzling or screaming. A lot of the time he has wind (gotta love a colicky baby), but he is having trouble settling again once he is awake and I refuse to rock him to sleep...
- 1st smile 4 March @ 20 days old
- 1st giggle 7 April @ 7.5 weeks old
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