This weblog is an online diary of our year in Europe, due to start shortly.
Paula and I will fly to the UK on the 17th of Feb, and stay in London for a few days to ditch our jetlag. We then plan to pick up a motorhome and get down to Portugal and Spain as quickly as possible. We'll miss Kelby the wonderdog - he's staying with Paula's parents in their nice big yard.
From there we are to meet my wife's family in Milan for Paula's birthday, then move on up thru Germany to have midsummer in Scandinavia by July. After visiting our friends, we plan to follow the warm weather back down thru europe to end the year around Italy and Greece.For now we're calling it the "20degree theory" as thats the temperature we're trying to roughly chase (in celsius!) as we move up and back down the map of europe throughout the year. We'll see how it holds up.
And there isnt much more to say than that, it's just us, two suitcases, a laptop and some credit cards.