Saturday, May 19, 2007

Second baby arrives home

Spencer the Meister Mechanic has done a beautiful job on the engine and brakes. Couldn't help but drive it home this morning. Got two blocks down the road before a kid in the car next to me started taking photos on his mobile and giving the thumbs up.
Only the interior and electrics to go!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A bit of an update......

Well it is nice to be home. We had a bit of a set back just before leaving hospital with Mieke developing jaundice. She had to have 3 blood tests over 3 days to check her bilirubin levels. They were quite high and as a consequence Mieke had to spend 24 hours in a phototherapy unit. She was in a humidicrib with uv lights on her to help her liver break down the bile. Needless to say it was pretty upsetting, but she is now doing really well and putting on weight.

We are slowly settling into a routine. Mieke is feeding every 4 hours and at the moment is sleeping really well between feeds.

It has been great to have Sam home, but he is heading back to work on Thursday.

It has been great hearing from everyone. Thanks so much for all the cards, pressies and good wishes. Look forward to catching up soon.


What a pose..............

Check up with the Maternal Health Nurse.

Dad and his girl.

Kelby checking out the bathing routine

Jordan amd Mieke having a cuddle

Getting ready for the phototherapy unit. Sunnies to protect my eyes!

In the phototherapy unit

Phototherapy to treat Mieke's jaundice

Mieke loves having a wriggle.....

Having a nap............

Cuddles with Dad in the hospital

Check out the curls.

Mum giving Mieke a bath

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

We now have video

Not recommended for those at home on dial-up! Click the play button (triangle shaped) below to play.

We're home at last

Well its nice to be back home again! Everyone's doing really well, its just a matter of getting into a routine now.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Everybody's sleeping well and feeding well

And for those who haven't cottoned on, all babies born of the 4th of May are in fact Jedis.
Instead of saying 'Happy Birthday', you can say 'May the Fourth be with you!'


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Good night Mieke

Everyone is travelling along really well, and we're looking forward to heading home soon and checking out some new scenery there. Thanks so much for all the lovely cards and gifts everyone!

Great Auntie Anne comes to visit

We've had lots of wonderful visitors - thanks everyone!